Conversion to thumbnailer complete

December 12, 2006 Glenn Chase Base Camp

After trying WebSnapr for almost two weeks and never seeing improvement on thumbnail load times or successful image loading statistics I went on the hunt for an affordable replacement. It didn’t take long to find’s Snap Preview Anywhere service, and even less time to implement it. Using BBEdit’s “find and replace” function I stripped out the websnapr code from the home page, copied and pasted the code generated for my site, and saved the changes.

I was literally amazed at the results. I even delayed proclaiming victory until I got home to check it on another network and verify my findings with a friend who tested the changes for me from a faraway state.

In 5 minutes I managed to replace the thumbnail images that took multiple seconds to appear (if they did at all) from WebSnapr with thumbnails that literally popped up almost immediately from

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