January, 2008

Kecoughtan Lodge 25th Anniversary flaps

January 28, 2008 Glenn Chase Patch news

Issued in 1976, on the 25th anniversary of Kecoughtan Lodge 463, these anniversary flaps were the first design departure from the original flap. The flaps were available in limited quantities and remain highly prized by collectors of this Lodge and Virginia OA emblems. [photopress:463s4.jpg,thumb,pp_image] The first version of the Kecoughtan Lodge 25th anniversary flap reversed […]



My patch collecting goal for 2008

January 21, 2008 Glenn Chase Patch news

Every patch collector has probably pondered what they ultimately seek to accomplish with their collection, whether just starting out in the hobby or after decades of collecting. When I began collecting patches at the 1973 Scout Jamboree I really didn’t have a goal in mind, it was just fun to swap patches with other Scouts […]



ISCA Checklists get an update

January 21, 2008 Glenn Chase Base Camp

Craig Leighty, President of the International Scouting Collectors Association, posted a message to the Patch-L mailing list on January 11 advising that new versions of their invaluable OA and CSP checklists are now available. I was thrilled to read this, since I include links to both on the Scout Patch Collector’s Base Camp, and the […]



New link added to the Base Camp

January 3, 2008 Glenn Chase Base Camp

While researching information about a 1919 Boy Scout Handbook for a coworker I came across an excellent site that I immediately knew belonged on The Scout Patch Collector’s Base Camp. History of the Boy Scout Handbook is actually part of the web site for Troop 97 of Fort Collins, Colorado. Scoutmaster Jeff Snowden has compiled […]



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