New link added for Vigil Sash site
Paul Myers has launched a great new web site at devoted to the Order of the Arrow Vigil Sash. It’s a fascinating journey through history complete with more information and pictures than you could imagine on this topic and it’s sure to become the default reference for this niche of collecting. I encourage you to check it out; even if you aren’t a sash collector you’ll be impressed by this resource that Paul has so kindly assembled and offered at no charge.
Below is the announcement Paul posted to Patch-L today:
It is with great pleasure that I announce the publication (on a web site) of my Vigil Sashes of the WWW-O/A 1922-2015.
Fifteen years in editing, 20 years in development. YES, it took a lot of work.
Its on a website but in a PDF format. You can print any or all pages.
Sashes are catalogued and classified. There are dozens of pictures of arrow-men in sashes.
No line drawings or reproduction sashes. All images are photos of real sashes.
The novice collector will probably be overwhelmed and the advanced collector will be aggravated at how many varieties I’ve developed.
Chose what you wish to collect, use the images, use the information.
This website is my gift to the collecting community. Following up on my years of For Your Information series in SCQ and ISCA.
Within the year I’ll have an in-depth review of BSA Handbooks and their contents.
An overview, it will be huge, of Boy Scout Camping, Camp Societies and Honor Groups.
I’m in communications with others who may wish to use this site to hoist in-depth articles on other scouting topics.
Knowledge is power and my hobby is empowering future generations of collectors.Paul Myers
Goshen, IndianaThe site is
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