NOAC 2009 patches

July 7, 2009 Glenn Chase Base Camp

John Pannell is avidly tracking the Lodge emblems being issued for the upcoming 2009 National Order of the Arrow Conference on a special web page at, so I’ve revised the link that previously pointed to the 2006 NOAC patches to point to the new page. Not only are the patches for NOAC now more […]



New CSP site on the horizon

February 27, 2009 Glenn Chase New Site

Bill Mulrenin beat me to this scoop with his blog post last October, but it bears repeating because our trading world can certainly use a comprehensive web site devoted specifically to Council Shoulder Patches (aka CSP’s). The URL started showing up in my referral statistics, and since it wasn’t an address I was familiar […]



2010 Patch Blog link added

January 19, 2009 Glenn Chase New Site

Doug Hunkele, webmaster of the excellent Camp Images site, has a new 2010 Blog about the upcoming 2010 Centennial Celebration of the BSA I highly recommend. The site promises to “… feature all patches produced for the BSA Centennial Celebration.  From the series of patches produced by National down to District Events.  This will include […]



BSA 100th Anniversary logo contest winner

February 29, 2008 Glenn Chase Patch news

Congratulations to Philip Goolkasian, 17 year old Eagle Scout of Sequoia Council in Fresno CA who is the winner of the national logo contest for the upcoming 100th anniversary of the BSA! Philip’s design was chosen from over 4,000 entries from US Scouts around the world, and he got to finalize his design by working […]



Base Camp adds Girl Scout specific sites

February 19, 2008 Glenn Chase Base Camp

If you have eagle eyes you may have noticed a small change to the introductory text on the Scout Patch Collector’s Base Camp home page. “The Scout Patch Collector’s Base Camp is a directory of helpful internet resources for pursuing our hobby of collecting and trading Boy Scout memorabilia” was changed to remove the word […]



Kecoughtan Lodge 25th Anniversary flaps

January 28, 2008 Glenn Chase Patch news

Issued in 1976, on the 25th anniversary of Kecoughtan Lodge 463, these anniversary flaps were the first design departure from the original flap. The flaps were available in limited quantities and remain highly prized by collectors of this Lodge and Virginia OA emblems. [photopress:463s4.jpg,thumb,pp_image] The first version of the Kecoughtan Lodge 25th anniversary flap reversed […]



My patch collecting goal for 2008

January 21, 2008 Glenn Chase Patch news

Every patch collector has probably pondered what they ultimately seek to accomplish with their collection, whether just starting out in the hobby or after decades of collecting. When I began collecting patches at the 1973 Scout Jamboree I really didn’t have a goal in mind, it was just fun to swap patches with other Scouts […]



ISCA Checklists get an update

January 21, 2008 Glenn Chase Base Camp

Craig Leighty, President of the International Scouting Collectors Association, posted a message to the Patch-L mailing list on January 11 advising that new versions of their invaluable OA and CSP checklists are now available. I was thrilled to read this, since I include links to both on the Scout Patch Collector’s Base Camp, and the […]



New link added to the Base Camp

January 3, 2008 Glenn Chase Base Camp

While researching information about a 1919 Boy Scout Handbook for a coworker I came across an excellent site that I immediately knew belonged on The Scout Patch Collector’s Base Camp. History of the Boy Scout Handbook is actually part of the web site for Troop 97 of Fort Collins, Colorado. Scoutmaster Jeff Snowden has compiled […]



100 Years of Scouting logo contest

August 25, 2007 Glenn Chase Patch news

The National Office of the BSA is seeking assistance from every youth Scout in the country to help design a memorable logo for the 100th Anniversary of Scouting in the United States. The contest is open until November 30 and every entrant will receive a certificate of participation and a patch. It’s a fantastic opportunity […]



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