Featured videos on the Base Camp
Recently within the span of just a few minutes I received emails from different friends recommending that I check out two Scout-related videos on YouTube. The first was for the great Arrow Ads produced by the Coosa Lodge shows team whose members include Ben Killen, Chris Brightwell, and Tim Hall, the hosts of ClothTalk. The […]
World Jamboree Updates to the Base Camp
The 21st World Scout Jamboree begins in less than a week, and the Scout Patch Collector’s Base Camp is freshly updated to celebrate the centennial anniversary of world Scouting! http://www.patchcamp.com The Scout Patch Collector’s Base Camp is a directory of helpful internet resources for pursuing our hobby of collecting and trading Boy Scout memorabilia, and […]
2 Philmont related links added to the Base Camp
I finally found some time to read my latest issue of the ISCA Journal, and was inspired by the cover story to add two new links to the Base Camp. One is a link to a comprehensive checklist of Philmont collectible memorabilia which is generously provided free by Chip S. Elliott and Mike McAdams, the […]
Links validated, Sea Scout insignia site added
In my daily Patch-L email digest a fellow Scout asked the collective subscribers for a site related to Sea Scouts insignia. Robert Rodgers quickly replied with a link, and I thought it would be a nice addition to the Scout Patch Collector’s Base Camp. While I was adding it I used the indispensable Firefox extension […]
Recovering data from patch sites that have disappeared
Every few months I get an email from a visitor advising me that I have a broken link on The Scout Patch Collector’s Base Camp. Sometimes it’s just a polite “heads up” so I can try to track down the new location. Often it’s a plaintive request that I put it back online, and I […]
Snap Preview Anywhere is optional
If you aren’t keen on the effect that pops up a small preview window of the web page when you roll over a link, the folks at snap.com have made it very easy to turn off. Just roll over a link, snort with derision at the unwanted window that appears, then notice the link in […]
Patchcamp listed in Snap Preview Anywhere Top 100 list
I was surprised and honored today to find The Scout Patch Collector’s Base Camp selected to appear in The SPA 100, a selection of sites highlighted by Snap Preview Anywhere as “some of the more interesting, notable and funky sites that are now using the Snap Preview Anywhereâ„¢ product.” Snap Preview Anywhere is the cool […]
Adding a “Featured on” graphic to your web site
If your web site is included on the Base Camp home page you are welcome to include a special badge that says “This site featured on The Scout Patch Collector’s Base Camp” on your site! There are several styles to choose from and quick, simple instructions to follow to add the badge on this page. […]
Conversion to snap.com thumbnailer complete
After trying WebSnapr for almost two weeks and never seeing improvement on thumbnail load times or successful image loading statistics I went on the hunt for an affordable replacement. It didn’t take long to find snap.com’s Snap Preview Anywhere service, and even less time to implement it. Using BBEdit’s “find and replace” function I stripped […]
Web site thumbnail disappointment
When I first read about the free website thumbnail service provided by WebSnapr I immediately thought it would make a very cool feature addition to The Scout Patch Collector’s Base Camp. Using google I scoured the web for reports from other web developers who had implemented it, and found very few negative remarks. A common […]